Sunday, October 7, 2007

First Project Complete

...sort of.

Our project for studio was due on Thursday. All of the first-years were up most of the night putting the finishing touches on each of our pieces. I had to go home and work in my bed because I was so achy from standing at my bench for hours on end.

We pinned up models, drawings, and any other related process material that would supplement the finished project. We each had 15 minutes to present our project and to receive feedback. In general, the responses to everyone's work was positive. Even the "negative" comments are framed in the form of a question or watered-down a bit. This is quite different from my experience in architecture critiques. I suppose this might have more to do with the disciplines than anything else. Architecture has to work and there is a somewhat objective set of standards by which to judge. Our work in the furniture department verges close to art and the critique is more about the execution and consistency of the idea which can be much more subjective.

I worked for over 28 hours on the final piece. I had some significant setbacks early on and had to figure out another way to build my piece at the last minute. In the end, though, I was still only able to build half of the piece. Thankfully the design was repetitive and the other half would look exactly the same as the first so my review didn't suffer from lack of information.

Here are some images of my presentation and those of my classmates.

1 comment:

grandma burch said...

I was glad to see your work and that of the other classmates, too. I can see that there must have been a good deal of pressure on all of you. You certainly put in many hours of work. Sorry about the back pain. But it looks like finished concept.