Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Photo Series

Before I get started posting all of the various projects I have going on here at RISD I thought I would share a quick bit about another project I started last week. I have always enjoyed taking pictures of the things and people around me. However, and I am sure many of you out there can testify to this, it takes a lot of energy to constantly be "on" and waiting for the next photo opportunity. The family pro, Ashley Davis, suggested doing small, focused projects so I took her advice and started clicking.

All of the exterior surfaces at Haystack are unfinished pine. As these surfaces are exposed to the elements they turn from a pale tan into a dark gray. Eventually, the extreme northeastern weather has its way and the wood has to be replaced altogether. The local maintenance man only replaces the necessary pieces leaving a unique fingerprint of each year on the surfaces. Here is a sample of some of the shots:

Early last week we had a rare gray day and I happened to look out my bedroom window at the roof of the building to our north. The cheap gray shingles looked like they were painted in watercolors as they blended into the sky. I didn't have my camera with me so I couldn't record it, but it gave me the idea to do a series of the roof at different times of day and in different weather conditions. So far, there hasn't been another gray day (not that I'm complaining!) but I have enjoyed watching the shadows across the roof as the sun moves overhead.

Worrying about the shot can definitely take me out of the moment but I have also seen how it can give me so much more appreciation for the events and objects that surround me. Give it a try!

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