Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rope chair

I have been delaying posting on my project for chair studio because I didn't think I had very good supporting images. I think though, that this particular project will just be hard to photograph so I apologize in advance. Just imagine that everything you see is ten times cooler in person and makes ten times more sense.

That said, I decided to build the chair made out of rope. I know when I originally posted the model for the project I claimed that it would not scale up and maintain its charm. However, I decided to hope for the best and move forward. There were a number of other ideas I was drawn to (particularly the receipt chair and the chair based on extruded geometry) but for a number of other reasons I settled on the unknown.

My process has been to gradually move up in scale while keeping all the other factors pretty much the same. Just today I finished the full-scale version and am finally beginning to consider changing some of the formal aspects of the chair.

My plan is to just keep building the chairs at full-scale and to make decisions along the way in response to what has come before. In the end, I imagine I will have somewhere between eight and twelve chairs. My hope is that at least four of those are sit-able.

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