Monday, November 17, 2008

Going Full-Scale

I just realized how long it has been since I have posted on the development of the rawhide project. After many quarter-scale models I settled on a design a couple of weeks ago and went ahead and ordered my final hide. My models were made of deer skin but for the final version I purchased a buffalo skin to increase the strength.

The hide shipped from Washington state and and arrived last Friday. It took four or so days to completely soak the huge skin as I had to wait for each part to get soft for the next part to sink down into the water.

Once it was good and soaked I could cut out the shape and drape it over a form. A fellow classmate helped throughout the process with an extra set of hands and after we were done we wished we had taken more process shots. In the moment we were just focused on getting it right.

The beauty of the rawhide is that I can always re-wet portions of the hide and make changes to the form. Once I get that settled I will add a delicate ring of color around the base. Here are some color samples:

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