Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crit Week

This week every student in the furniture department has their final review. On Tuesday it was the sophomores, Wednesday the juniors, Thursday the seniors, and on Friday the grads.

All of the crits take place in a sort of makeshift gallery space located above the metal shop. Along with the instructor, there are usually one or two guest critics who are there to provide feedback. Although this is not the case in all departments, the students are encouraged to offer comments as well.

As a part of the curriculum, the sophomores learn to use the woodshop machines this semester. For the first project they built small boxes and for the final they built benches.

The juniors are split into two groups and rotate through metals and bent plywood lamination in the course of the year. They are not required to design and build any particular type of furniture; only the process in mandated.

The seniors get to do pretty much anything they want. Over the course of the year they are encouraged to build a body of work along a cohesive theme.

As you know, the grads made chairs!

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