Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Boxes Boxes Boxes

A week or so ago I picked up my steel from Bud and got started welding and bending. I had twenty-seven boxes to bend and a larger case to weld. Each box needed to be exactly the same so they would stack correctly so I had to make various stops on the brake (a tool used for bending sheet metal). The stops also turned out to be a real time saver since I didn't have to measure for each bend. Before I bent the boxes I also put little dints in the surface so the boxes would grab onto each other (I also had to make a jig for this...).

Unfortunately, the brake would only allow me to make three and a half bends and I needed four. So I had to hammer the fourth bend into position and had serious hand pains as a result. All in all, though, they turned out well and I finished in good time.

The case was an easy welding job and came together quickly, which turned out to be a good thing since I measured incorrectly the first time and I had to make another again this afternoon! Everything has been sent to the powder coater and I will pick the stuff up later this evening. All I have left to do is to line each box with felt so the porcelain is not resting right against the steel.

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