Thursday, March 6, 2008


So you know the drill. Here are the models.

After sketching for a bit and coming up with nothing I stumbled across an image of receipt paper falling to the floor. The paper was still attached to the roll and had a decent amount of strength within itself which allowed it to hold form. Beyond its formal appropriateness to the assignment I was immediately interested in the idea that a chair could be its own receipt. The project is primarily a production and retail challenge so I don't know if it is something I will pursue in this context.

In my attempt to make a model I tried melting plastic for the first time. The school has a large industrial pizza oven that can be used to melt the plastic that can then be molded into various forms. My first attempt ended up looking more like toilet paper.

I had an extra sheet so I also made a scroll chair which has turned into a handy pencil holder.

My other model was based on the various states in which a chair exists, from occupied to unoccupied to saved. The function of the piece is taken from how the movable advertising signs work - an equilaterial triangle that rotates around its midpoint with different images printed on each side. I hadn't thought much about its actual application and there were some good suggestions from the group. My favorite was as an additional seat cushion that could be brought along to events to label the seat as well as provide extra padding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here